David Zaslow - Narberth Ambulance

David Zaslow is Chair of the Litigation Group. His bio is available here.
I began volunteering at Narberth Ambulance in 1985, when I was accepted as the inaugural member of the Junior Member program. I joined the company to get clinical experience in the practice of medicine at an early age while engaging in meaningful community service. More than 30 years later, I am still actively volunteering for the organization as President and Assistant Chief of Operations as well as a paramedic in the field.
In many ways, being a volunteer paramedic in the community defines who I am as a person. Protecting the health and welfare of the residents, employees and visitors of the communities served by Narberth Ambulance (Lower Merion Township, Narberth Borough, Conshohocken Borough, West Conshohocken Borough and Haverford Township) has been a lifelong passion of mine. Along with my colleagues, we strive to provide the highest level of pre-hospital emergency care and transport to the ill and injured that we serve. Working alongside such an incredibly passionate and special team of people who are dedicated to serving others in times of urgent need has been the most gratifying experience of my life. Knowing that you can and will overcome the risks and challenges posed by each call for help to make a difference when it counts is incredibly rewarding.
My dual training in medicine and the law has helped me immeasurably as a trial lawyer specializing in all manners of personal injury litigation. Being a paramedic has given me a more in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology of the injury and disease processes that are at the core of the causation issues presented in every personal injury legal action. Having this level of expertise often allows me to be more knowledgeable and efficient than my adversaries in preparing the case, which is a great value add for my clients.