White and Williams Defeats Emergency Injunction Requests To Force Use of Ivermectin To Treat COVID-19 Patient
White and Williams has once again defeated an emergency injunction request sought by an ICU COVID-19 patient’s family to require their healthcare provider to administer the controversial medication Ivermectin – a parasite drug that is claimed by some to be a miracle cure but is not approved for treatment of COVID-19. In each case, initially on behalf of a hospital system in Delaware, and most recently in Pennsylvania, treating physicians refused to administer Ivermectin to the patient even though the patient’s family obtained a prescription for the drug from a licensed physician.
Both matters involved patients who were gravely ill and on ventilator support. The Pennsylvania plaintiff pointed to other cases in Pennsylvania and elsewhere in which courts ordered medical facilities to administer Ivermectin to COVID-19 patients. In the most recent Pennsylvania case, the judge found “no wrongful conduct” by the involved healthcare providers and denied the patient’s request for a mandatory injunction.
This Delaware case was litigated by John Balaguer, Steve Milewski and Karine Sarkisian. The Pennsylvania case was litigated by Kevin Cottone, Ed Koch, Marc Penchansky and Lindsay Miller.
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