Pro Bono matters. We believe that everyone should have equal access to legal representation.

Pro Bono

White and Williams has a long, proud history of providing pro bono services in the communities where we live and work. Our lawyers consider it a privilege to dedicate time and resources to charitable and public interest causes. We believe that everyone should have equal access to legal representation, and we approach our pro bono efforts with the same commitment, care and energy we do for the firm’s paying clients. 

All White and Williams lawyers pledge to provide at least 24 hours of pro bono and community service each year. We annually provide thousands of hours of free legal services to individuals and non-profit organizations for a variety of causes, including access to public benefits, asylum and immigration, child advocacy, civil rights, homelessness, human rights, landlord-tenant matters, prisoners’ rights, senior citizens issues, special education and veterans' affairs.

 Some of our pro bono partners include:

My Pro Bono Experience - Timothy keough

Uganda Asylum ClientI recently helped a client from Uganda obtain asylum in the United States. Isaac had been persecuted in his homeland as a result of his sexual orientation and his commitment to social justice. As a filmmaker, he has created several films that speak to the plight of the LGBTI community in Uganda, which also served as a further basis for his persecution. If he returns home, it is very likely that he would face lifelong imprisonment, or worse. This alone was a great basis for assisting Isaac, but one could not say no to helping out such a nice man once meeting him. It was a pleasure to help him obtain asylum and work in the United States and I expect he will do great things here. Read more.

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