Nancy Sabol Frantz

Nancy Sabol Frantz serves on the Pro Bono and Operations Committees. Her bio is available here.
How did you select an organization to support? What would you want someone to know about the organization?
I selected the Philadelphia VIP Homeownership Program because it was the closest “fit” with my area of practice and I felt that I could be most effective providing services in that area.
What advice do you have for lawyers who want to get involved in pro bono service?
Don’t be hesitant to get involved if the pro bono matters which are available do not fit neatly into your skill set. For example, as a real estate and finance attorney, I’ve teamed up with a litigator in my firm so that we can effectively use the court system to solve certain real estate issues. I would suggest that you find a colleague within your firm and work together on a case.