Is Your Insured in a Financial Crisis? Not Sure What to Do Next? Part III: The Defunct Insured
The Insurance Industry Team invites you to join members of our Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith and Financial Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice Groups for our third session in a series addressing what an insurer should do when faced with an insured in financial crisis.This series will provide you with tips for dealing with insureds that may be on the verge of filing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, or that may be assigning or transferring their assets to benefit creditors, or that simply become defunct.
This webinar series is broken down into three short sessions with live attendance on November 30, December 7 and December 14.
Attendees joining us for our third session on December 14 should expect a discussion of strategies for dealing with a defunct insured, including:
- types of claims where insurers are most prone to encounter defunct insureds;
- service issues, including direct action statutes and substituted service;
- tips for fulfilling insurer’s duty to defend a defunct insured; and
- potential pitfalls, including heightened risk of bad faith claims.
To register, click here.
Click here for the recording of Part I: Is Your Insured in a Financial Crisis? Not Sure What to Do Next? A copy of the presentation can be found here.
Click here for the recording of Part II: Assignments for Benefit of Creditors (ABCs). A copy of the presentation can be found here.
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