CIANJ's Energy & Climate Change Summit

APA Hotel (Iselin, NJ)

With a global focus on energy prices and policies and concerns with the impacts of climate change, join Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ) and various speakers as they gather to discuss the impacts of state and national policies and priorities regarding energy and climate change on the business community. Speakers will discuss current and proposed regulatory policies, programs, laws and pending bills that both Gov. Murphy & the Legislature will advance in the coming months and years. What does a green economy mean to your current business? What alternative energy sources should you consider? What should you know about building a successful and impactful Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Program? Are there tax incentives and grants available? No matter what business you are in, environmental and energy policies will impact your businesses so don’t miss an opportunity to voice your concerns and opinions and hear from lawmakers.

Topics will include:

New Jersey’s Climate Change Policies
Climate Change Regulations & Policies – What It Means To Your Business
New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan – What It Means To Your Business
Legislative & Reporters Roundtable – Legislation On The Horizon
Developing an Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Plan For Your Business
New Jersey Tax and Grant Incentive Programs

Click here for more information and to register.


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