SFNet Philadelphia Chapter 2024: 15th Annual Philadelphia Credit & Restructuring Summit
White and Williams is proud to sponsor the Annual Philadelphia Credit & Restructuring Summit on March 21, 2024. A joint event with the ABF Journal, New York Institute of Credit, Secured Finance Network Philadelphia Chapter, and the Turnaround Management Association, Philadelphia/Wilmington Chapter.
White and Williams Partner and Co-Chair of the Financial Restructuring and Bankruptcy Group, Amy Vulpio, will be a panelist discussing restructuring alternatives alongside co-panelists Steve Mitnick, Founder, S. Mitnick Law PC; Sally Barton, Director, Special Assets & Portfolio Solutions at SecondWind Consultants; Jeffrey Hampton, Partner and Chair of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practice, Saul Ewing LLP; Robert Katz, Managing Director at Eisner Advisory Group LLC; and moderated by Neil Gupta, Managing Director, SSG Capital Advisors. Their session will begin at 2:30 p.m. at the Union League of Philadelphia.
SFNet takes a leadership role in representing its members on critical public policy and legal issues that have an impact on our industry. Secured financing creates and sustains millions of jobs across the U.S. and the world with a transaction volume of over $4.1 trillion across all secured finance categories. Whether educating regulators, filing briefs or working to establish cooperative relationships around the globe, SFNet is advocating for your interests.
To learn more and to register, click here.