White and Williams Commitment to Action


Dear Clients and Friends,

I hope you and your families are safe and healthy.

Since the tragic death of George Floyd and in the wake of the call to action being heard around the world, we all have had some time to reflect on, and consider, important social justice issues. 

Tragedies like these, as horrific as they are, present opportunities to join together to contribute to the change that is so desperately needed. We cannot simply hope things change. Now is the time for us to come together to listen, to learn and to affect real change.

White and Williams is committed to doing its part in response to this call to action. We will continue to develop diversity and inclusion training programs as well as programs focusing on social justice issues, participate in diversity hiring programs, and provide pro bono and community service to organizations whose goals are to provide assistance to people who are underrepresented and/or victims of injustice.

We know there is more to do and I welcome the opportunity to have conversations with you about how we can work together to improve diversity in the legal profession and the business community and address social justice issues in our society.  

These are challenging times but I believe that if we work together we can affect real change and be part of the solution.


Patti Santelle
Managing Partner


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