White and Williams Visits Adopted School for Reading Day


As part of its adoption of Philadelphia’s Chester A. Arthur School, White and Williams’ lawyers and staff visited first grade students to lead a reading day. Students divided into small groups and paired with a White and Williams mentor to read Little Bear’s Friend, a collection of short stories. Each student received a paperback copy of the book to take home.

White and Williams’ adoption of Chester A. Arthur School began in May 2014 with a $10,000 donation for the purchase of Google Chromebooks for middle school students and the firm has since maintained a relationship with the school, including welcoming students to the Philadelphia office for a career day discussion. The White and Williams Adopt-a-School Initiative, launched as a way to give back to the local community, was recognized among global law firms by the Legal Marketing Association's Your Honors Awards program in the Community Relations category at the 2015 National Conference. 

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