Women's Initiative Hosts ABA Grit Program


As part of its continuing Women’s Initiative, White and Williams’ women lawyers gathered in the Philadelphia office on Wednesday, July 29th for a presentation of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Grit Project by its co-chair, Milana Hogan. The Grit Project aims to educate and empower women lawyers to overcome challenges in the legal profession and thrive in their careers. It focuses on the combination and development of two key, but controllable, values: grit and a growth mindset. Grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals,” while a growth mindset is the belief that one’s abilities can be developed.

Prior to the presentation, attendees completed two tests to measure grit and mindset. Hogan’s presentation included an explanation of results as well as valuable strategies for continued personal and professional growth. In small groups, the women lawyers then had an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with one another about the applicability of their findings and to share personal stories of grit that have helped them grow in their legal careers.

The Women’s Initiative was established to enhance the professional and personal development of our women lawyers and to foster their success in the workplace, in the community and in their lives. It is guided by a steering committee who works to develop educational programs, networking opportunities and charitable activities that help to foster a supportive and inclusive workplace.

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