Posts from March 2025.

This episode of the Subro Sessions podcast, the first of a two-part series entitled: “Speak Now or Forever Sign That Release - Part 1,” is hosted by Gus Sara and Lian Skaf, Partners. This episode discusses the topic of subrogation settlement releases including guidance for the parties that draft the releases, obstacles that subrogation professionals typically run into, inclusion of the insured as a signatory and suggestions on specific language to use in the settlement process.

Listen to all of our episodes here.

You can also listen to Subro Sessions on Apple Podcasts and ... Continue Reading

In L.W. v. Audi AG, 108 Cal. App. 5th 95, the Court of Appeal of California (Court of Appeal) recently held that a foreign manufacturer can be subject to specific personal jurisdiction in California state courts. In L.W., a minor child suffered injuries when an Audi Q7 allegedly malfunctioned and surged forward, pinning the child against a garage wall. The plaintiffs brought suit against Audi AG (Audi Germany) and Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. doing business as Audi of America (Audi America). Audi Germany designed, manufactured and then sold the Audi Q7 to Audi America. Audi ... Continue Reading

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