Subrogation Department Secures a Large Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery on Short Notice
After receiving a case from the client asking him to attend a mediation on short notice, Brett Tishler, an attorney in the Subrogation Department, recently secured a $450,000 lien recovery in an Arizona case.
The case involved the traumatic double amputation of the injured worker’s legs that occurred when the defendant’s vehicle hit the worker at the car wash where he was working. Brett immediately investigated the case, contacted all involved parties and submitted a mediation memorandum to the mediator within 24 hours of receiving the assignment. Brett also traveled to the loss site in advance of the mediation to conduct a site inspection and discuss employer fault and comparative negligence issues that had the potential to reduce the overall and lien reimbursement value of the claim.
Despite the short notice and difficult legal issues associated with the claim, Brett’s quick response and excellent legal work led to a 90% lien recovery at the mediation.