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After-Hours Contacts
Christopher Konzelmann
609.560.5153 (cell)
Ron Pingitore
Speaker Engagements
Our attorneys have spoken at various industry events or been recognized as leaders in their fields
over the last year or so, as follows: Speaker Engagements
Summary of Services
View our Research Charts on Subrogation-Related Topics here.
White and Williams LLP has the oldest and one of the largest subrogation practices in the nation, with 30 lawyers and 9 law clerks/paralegals. Lawyers in the subrogation department practice throughout the United States and provide 24/7 access for assignments. The department offers an aggressive early intervention program, utilizing a vast network of screened experts and consultants and covering a wide variety of subrogation-related disciplines. We routinely receive new referrals in all fifty states.
The subrogation department handles, among other things, high-profile commercial property, inland marine, cargo and construction defect losses as well as losses associated with high-net-worth residential homes. From case referral through the end of each case, our lawyers work with our insurance and self-insured clients to develop cost-effective strategies for identifying and pursuing subrogation targets. Our lawyers provide timely and thoughtful reports and pride themselves on being responsive to our clients’ inquiries.
In addition to handling large-dollar losses, the department has experienced lawyers focusing on mid-level and arbitration losses involving appliance, chimney and electrical malfunctions as well as pipe failures and other failures common in both commercial and personal lines cases. The department also has a special program for smaller water loss cases, offering our customers reduced expert rates and a cost-effective way to handle cases that qualify for the program.
Partners in the subrogation department are members of the National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP), Property Loss Research Bureau (PLRB) and Loss Executives Association (LEA). Our partners are frequent speakers at national conferences on subrogation and litigation related topics for these organizations.
Value-Added Services
Most subrogation cases are handled on a contingent-fee basis. As an added-value service, we offer our clients closed file reviews and in-house training seminars upon request. We also maintain a policy of providing courtesy “brain storming” teleconferences on matters that are not likely to turn into assignments but are of importance to our clients. In addition, we maintain a blog – Subrogation Strategist – that discusses current subrogation cases and trends. Because we monitor issues that arise around the country, we are able to quickly identify new trends and advise our clients accordingly.
As part of our effort to provide outstanding customer service, the subrogation department provides a quarterly report summarizing each client’s pending cases. The department also offers periodic, comprehensive, in-person reviews of each client's pending cases at the client’s locale or in our offices. In addition, in recognition of our clients’ concerns for securing cost-effective subrogation returns, we track and periodically review expenses for each file to perform a cost-benefit analysis for each case.
As part of our value-added services, we also maintain Research Charts on Subrogation-Related Topics.
The subrogation department has the advantage of access to many other professionals within our 200+ lawyer firm. Our lawyers practice in areas such as environmental law, construction defect litigation, bankruptcy, financing, legal malpractice, class action litigation and other fields. When needed, lawyers from other practice areas are enlisted to assist on subrogation cases as part of the litigation team, or on a consulting basis. Their services, when necessary, are typically included in the services covered under the contingent fee agreement applicable to the case.
Representative Matters
- Litigated subrogation claims in losses as high as $70 million arising from fires in large commercial properties and residences
Achieved successful resolution of a multi-million dollar claim in Maryland state court regarding negligent maintenance of a wooden railing that resulted in a traumatic brain injury to a worker who fell and struck his head on the stone pool deck below
- Litigated multi-million dollar subrogation claims arising from water losses
- Obtained a $1.45 million recovery from a plumbing contractor for a water loss occurring at an apartment complex in Pittsburgh, PA
- Handled several multi-million dollar losses involving train derailments in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia
- At pre-suit mediation, favorably resolved a $2 million sprinkler malfunction loss in New Jersey occurring in a newly constructed university library
- Litigated a $1.9 million subrogation claim arising from a residential fire involving a gas leak in Delaware
- Litigated a $3 million subrogation claim arising from dock collapse in New York
- Worked with an insurer to recover damages arising from contaminated, misbranded food (spices) containing allergens, work that included an analysis of complex and detailed financial records
- Handled numerous fidelity subrogation matters including multi-million dollar matters in Pennsylvania and Florida
- Partnered with an insurer to investigate claimed property damage losses associated with computer virus attacks
- Litigated a $2 million subrogation claim arising from collapse of television station transmission tower in Pennsylvania
- Litigated a $1.9 million subrogation claim arising from roof failure in Delaware
- Negotiated a settlement in excess of $1 million dollars in a complex products liability case filed in Pennsylvania Federal Court against an agricultural manufacturer for injuries involving an arm amputation while operating 40-year old farm equipment
- Successfully litigated and resolved a $1 million water damage loss in Massachusetts involving recently installed HVAC equipment in a bio-medical facility
- Negotiated a settlement of $750,000 dollars in a products liability case filed in Pennsylvania against the supplier of a laundry press for injuries involving significant third-degree burns sustained when press closed down on top of the operator
Subro Sessions
- Speak Now or Forever Sign That Release – Part 13.4.25
This episode of the Subro Sessions podcast, the first of a two-part series entitled: “Speak Now or Forever Sign That Release - Part 1,” is hosted by Gus Sara and Lian Skaf, Partners. This episode discusses the topic of subrogation settlement releases including guidance for the parties that draft the releases, obstacles that subrogation professionals typically run into, inclusion of the insured as a signatory and suggestions on specific language to use in the settlement process.