We understand the essential value intellectual property provides to your business. Our interdisciplinary team regularly advises clients in acquiring, protecting and monetizing intellectual property rights and litigating or alternatively resolving disputes regarding such rights in the U.S. and abroad.
Representative Matters
- Won landmark award of attorneys fees against patent troll and its attorneys in a patent infringement case for Gust, Inc. after having litigation transferred from Eastern District of Texas to Southern District of New York
Obtained judgment of patent infringement on behalf of manufacturer client kidsme and subsequently successfully ended the sale of over 150 similar patent-infringing baby feeder products on Amazon.com
- Obtained Motion to Transfer from Eastern District of Texas to Southern District of New York in a patent infringement case
- Represented major technology companies as plaintiffs and defendants in patent infringement litigations in federal district courts and the International Trade Commission
- Represented technology companies in patent litigations brought by non-practicing entities (NPE's)
- Acted as chief patent portfolio architect, drafting and prosecuting patent applications for a leading telecommunications services company
- Represented a security company in a trademark action against a competitor, receiving favorable award and attorneys fees
- Represented medical device manufacturer in major litigation regarding recently approved treatment for osteoarthritis
- Represented clients in Hatch-Waxman litigation
- Formulated university intellectual property policy and assisted in establishing technology transfer group for a leading university
- Assisted national dental care provider in developing and implementing trademark strategy
- Represented large commercial television shopping network against claims of false advertising, false designation of origin, and unfair competition under the Lanham Act for sale of a product on the network that allegedly was an unprivileged imitation of a competing product; summary judgment motion was filed on behalf of the network, leading the plaintiff to settle with the network for $10,000 against a damages claim of $640,000
- Represented a foreign manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the acquisition of worldwide marketing and distribution rights to a line of products
- Represented a European-based pharmaceutical manufacturing, development and distribution company in the grant of exclusive U.S. distribution rights to a product in development to a large, U.S.-based pharmaceutical company
- Represented a privately held medical device development firm in the license of a patent-pending drug delivery instrument from a publicly traded pharmaceutical company
- Assisted a multi-national client in negotiating a favorable settlement with the Business Software Alliance
- Represented specialty software developer in license of its software to a national healthcare company
- Assisted world’s largest creative competitions firm in procuring and maintaining its intellectual property portfolio
- Represented a product manufacturer against claims of trade dress infringement and unfair competition in violation of the Lanham Act arising out of allegations by a competitor that the client's trade dress for the product was likely to cause consumer confusion due to the alleged similarity in appearance